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How I Should Take Care of My Mouth After A Tooth Extraction?

June 1, 2022

dentist patient model making a camera sign with her hands and smiling

Although permanent teeth are meant to last a lifetime, there are numerous reasons why a dentist suggests tooth extraction. This common dental procedure helps remove bacteria and enhances overall oral health. The most common reason behind this can be tooth decay, trauma, or severely damaged teeth. After tooth extraction, our dentist in Beverly Hills will provide you with some instructions to follow for faster recovery.

Aftercare Tips Following an Extraction Procedure

Below are the aftercare tips to follow after tooth extraction:

Regularly Brush Your Teeth and Gum

It is essential to keep your mouth clean after tooth extraction. So, make sure you continue flossing and brushing your remaining teeth two times per day. But make sure you avoid doing that at the extraction site or one to two days after the procedure is over.

Regularly Rinsing Your Mouth

After one day, wash your mouth with a warm saline rinse to keep the extraction area clean regularly and prevent the infection spreading. It is made by mixing eight ounces of warm water and half a teaspoon of salt.

Swish the solution gently in the morning, evening, and after eating food. Keep using the rinse at least two to three times every day for the next seven days. Avoid washing using alcohol-based mouthwashes.

Do Not Chew on That Side

It is also crucial to avoid chewing crunchy, hard, and chewy foods on the side of tooth pulling. This helps in reducing discomfort to the empty tooth socket. Make sure you choose a well-balanced diet.

Consuming the soft food diet allows you to get the nutrition you require without damaging any soft tissue around the treated site. It includes oatmeal, fruit smoothies, soft fish, mashed avocado, etc.

Pain Relief Medication

Once the anesthesia fades away from the extraction area, you will feel discomfort. Although it should go away after some days, the dentist suggests prescribed medications to lessen pain. We advise you to take medicines as directed by your expert.

Avoid driving while taking anti-inflammatory medicines because you may feel drowsy. Also, please do not use them for more than three days constantly. If the pain stays longer, it may signify a dry socket or an infection.

You should immediately reach out to the dental expert if the bleeding continues for more than two days. Avoid stopping the medicine halfway even if you no longer feel any pain.

Minimize Swelling

If you have undergone simple tooth filling, you do not have excess swelling. Place ice packs on your cheeks close to the tooth extraction site to reduce the occurrence. Do this for 15 to 20 minutes. Then, eliminate it for 5 minutes. Repeat the procedure as required.

You may notice bruising on your face. Don't worry because it will go away on its own. If you do not have ice packs at home, you can create one by placing ice cubes in a plastic bag. Then, wrap it in a thin towel. Apply the ice pack as stated above.

Do Not Smoke and Use a Straw

Avoid smoking during the first 48 hours after the tooth extraction procedure. The chemical in the smoke might get in the way of the clotting process significantly.

Smoking or drinking any beverage via a straw puts pressure on your mouth. It can result in dislodging the blood clot created in the tooth socket. If this happens, it can put your oral health at risk. For example, it could lead to a dry socket, resulting in severe infections and other negative repercussions.

Take Sufficient Rest

After tooth pulling, it is vital to take enough rest. So, avoid any strenuous activity for the first 24 hours. This can enhance the blood pressure in the head, resulting in bleeding in the surgical area.

Elevate your head a little bit with a pillow when lying down. It can help you manage bleeding and swelling after surgery, helping you heal faster. Also, try sleeping early at night.

Seek Help from a Specialist Specializing in Tooth Extraction

If you feel discomfort for longer than 4 hours after tooth extraction, contact or call the dentist at The Art of Dental Wellness.

Kerri Hill, DDS, offers a uniquely all-encompassing, patient-focused dental treatment experience in Beverly Hills. The expert behind some of Hollywood’s best smiles, Dr. Hill’s propensity for empathy and meticulous care allow her to make patients’ dreams a reality. Begin building your best smile with a comprehensive consultation at The Art of Dental Wellness.

416 N Bedford Dr Suite 409, Beverly Hills, CA 90210

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